ANTICHRIST, His Names… The Great Counterfeiter, there are over 20 different names assigned to him, some are: Is. 14:4 “King of Babylon”, Dan 7:8, 8:9 “Little horn”, Dan 8:23 “King of fierce countenance”, Dan 9:26 “The prince that shall come”, Dan 11:36 “The willful king”, 2Thes 2:3-8 “Man of sin” “Son of perdition” “That wicked one”, 1John 2:18 “Antichrist”, Rev 13:1 “Beast”
His Activities Note: there are many more verses in scripture than references listed here.
- His Rise to Power.
- In the “latter times” Rev 6:2, Dan 8:23
- Through diplomacy / trickery Dan 8:25, 11:21; Daniel 7:8.
- A very charismatic leader / High intelligence / Great speaking ability Dan 7:8 & 25, Rev 13:5 Rev. 13:18
- War (bloodless tactics) Rev 6:4 Military genius – Rev. 13:4; Rev. 17:14; Rev. 19:19.
- Satan himself empowers him Rev 13:2
- Tries to change prophecy and history – Daniel 7:25
- False religious prophet also empowers him Rev 13:12
- Great deception (whole world) Rev 13:14
- Great apostasy (falling away from truth) 2Thes 2:3
- “Rapture vacuum” 2Thes 2:6-8
- “New world view” & Technology explosion Dan 12:4, Gen 11:6
- His One World Government
- “Image of Nebuchadnezzar” Dan 2
- “Nations will give power & strength unto the beast” Rev 17:12-15
3. Middle East tension escalation. Zech 12:2-3
- Brings solutions to the “world” problems, United States of Europe, World treaties, etc.
- Tremendous worldwide persecution of God’s people. Rev 13:7, 12:11-13, 6:9, 7:14, Dan 8:24
- Current events TODAY, leading the way. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6
- His World Economy
- Institute the “mark of the beast” Rev 13:16-17
- Applied Digital Solutions – Palm Beach, Fl. Approved by the FDA to begin implantation of microchips under the skin.
- Cruel Leader “Devour the whole earth” Dan 7:23
- Property seizures, torture, slaughter, benefit denials, starvation, underground economy, secret meetings, and National identity cards… an implantable microchip.
- “Hurt not the oil & the wine” – Runaway inflation and global famine Rev 6:5-6
- His Atheistic Religion (cultic leader)
- “Exalts himself above every god” Dan 11:36-39 & 2Thes 2:1-12
- Ushered in via the “false prophet”, great signs & deception uniting all religions as one… Rev 13:11-18
- He will be a great Blasphemer—Rev. 13:6
- The ecumenical church from the city that sits on seven hills: Rome – Rev 17
- “All who dwell on the earth shall worship him”. – Rev 13:8